

Pharmacotherapy Recertification Module 1A: Cardiology and Statistics

By Daniel Marsh posted 04-23-2015 21:21

I found some time to finish the first module of the recertification course over the past couple days. Module 1A includes an interesting article on non-persistence of medication after pill appearance changes (color or shape), a couple less interesting articles on nested case control studies (does anyone actually like statistics?), and finally an article from NEJM on spironolactone in heart failure. I thought for the most part the articles were good reads. The only exception was that I thought there was some overlap in the 2 articles on nested case control, and I probably could have gotten the same information out of just one.

I said in my first post that I was going to focus on the time it took me to finish each module. The four papers took me a little over 2.5 hours to read, with some minor distractions. The test itself took around 30 minutes to finish 18 questions. The test was not overly difficult and most of the answers were straight forward out of the text. There were maybe 2-3 I was not sure about, but I ended up with 100% so if you read the papers and understand the questions you should be fine. 

I'll post my twitter name again, feel free to add me if you want to know when I post my next blog on module 1B (more cardiology and statistics!): @doctorm182

Thanks for reading,
