

So you're BCPS certified, now what: The Balancing Act

By Meredith Gilbert posted 05-31-2015 21:31

Work, hobbies, life in general. This can sometimes get demanding in one sector and the others tend to fall to the wayside for a little while. It is all one delicate balancing act. Sometimes, it gets a little out of whack. That has certainly happened to me these past few weeks with lots of late evening and weekend shifts in the ED, along with some new and exciting job responsibilities. Early summer in the south can keep a hospital hopping and Memphis is no exception. 

That's one of the beautiful things about this re-certification study program. It allows you to work at your own pace. No need to feel guilty about stepping away for a little bit to care of a myriad for other responsibilities. Keeping up with the latest advancements and new trends in pharmacy can be a daunting task, and that's the other beautiful thing about this program. The topics are up to date and provided from peer reviewed journals. 

Now, plans for the future. Work life should be calming down and becoming more steady in my neck of the woods, so stay tuned for a thorough review of one of the video review modules. I am huge fan of the Jurassic Park movies, and in honor of the newest movie release, how about a little focus on pharmacogenomics?! 

Till next time, 
