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Its Time to be Bold

By Michael Fotis posted 05-23-2013 14:26

I was discussing the Pharmacy Forecast 2013-2017 with colleagues last week and noticed an interesting inconsistency in responses.  Under technology the predictions are bold and optimistic for progress in all areas- such as CPOE, integrated and comprehensive IT,decision support, time spent etc. Basically the forecast predicts A-Z advances in technology. Good stuff! But I noted that in the practice model section most responses were conservative,and perhaps the opposite of bold. We predict minor or no real changes in pharmacy practice. In other words we predict the status quo.  Peter Drucker had so many good quotes in his career but one of my favorites is: "There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all."  

I submit for consideration that if we do achieve multple advances in technology we had better make necessary changes to our daily practices. Fine tuning the status quo is simply not good enough. Making candles ever more efficiently does not lead one to the electric light bulb.
Can we as pharmacists become bold enough to disrupt our routine and move on to a new practice model?

Our health care system does not always work very well. If you or a loved one has never been seriously ill, or if you are a US Senator or Congressman I can understand why you might disagree with me. For the rest of us- I believe there are too many avoidable errors, much cost inefficiency, and for the most part we leave our most vulnerable patients to fend for themselves.  So many pharmacists do exceptional work to improve our health system. We need to change the way we work as pharmacists so that all of us can provide this level of care. Our patients need us to do this.

#PPMI #MedicationSafety



06-22-2013 19:44

As a recent 2013 grad, this is what excites me most about my future career in pharmacy. The opportunities for change and transformation in how we provide care. Thank you Mike for this inspiring comment, I plan to be bold in my career!

05-28-2013 03:24

I could not agree more MIke. There is so much more to improve in our health care system for better experiences and health outcomes for our patients, and efficiencies in how we do our work just as you said.

05-27-2013 13:42

Mike: very thoughtful and timely comment. We are at a cross section of our profession. Either it is up or down. We have tremendous opportunities to close the gaps in our med management processes and we are uniquely qualified to achieve the goal. However, the status quo is our barrier. We will become extinct If we don't change our practice models to meet the needs of our patients. The time to act is now. As our past experiences with nurse practitioners or PAs, someone else will replace usin the future. And, that will be a travesty.