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How Visible Are You?

By Sara White posted 01-25-2015 09:33


To be an effective leader for your area you must increase your visibility/raise your profile at work. The Mind Tools Club offers the following advice.

  • Most people feel uncomfortable promoting themselves however they are limiting the opportunities they and the pharmacy department will have
  • Consider promoting as marketing which is educating not selling
  • Consider the following tactics
    • Speak up at meetings and don't be afraid of how others will react
      • Great opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and become comfortable being the center of attention
      • Perhaps asking questions is a more comfortable way to begin speaking up and showing that you are an active participant
      • Don't wait to be discovered as you are representing all of pharmacy by your actions
      • Prepare by reading the agenda ahead of time and thinking about where you can contribute
    • Strength your relationship with your boss
      • Always keep your superior informed and use the contact time to educate them about the impact/value pharmacy brings using specific examples
      • Ask for suggestions on how you/pharmacy can add more value
      • Seek out their priorities and the organization’s so you know where to focus your attention. Helping them be successful assists your and pharmacy’s success
    • Ask/volunteer for high-visibility projects
      • Use your relationships with others throughout the organization to identify projects where you and/or your staff could collaborate because these may get you more exposure to decision makers such as senior executives.
      • Assisting in ACOs, CMS measures, HCAPs etc. are some examples
    • Volunteer to represent pharmacy
      • When pharmacy needs to be represented at cross departmental meetings see if you can attend
      • If presentations need to be made seek them out  because in addition to increasing your visibility they build your confidence
    • Participate in learning opportunities
      • Organization wide events are a great place to build and enhance relationships outside of pharmacy
      • Utilize training programs provided to not only continue your development but to build relationships
      • Always make an effort to contribute when you attend
    • Demonstrate your expertise
      • When you are seen as an expert you will develop the reputation as someone others can come to for assistance which can lead to interesting projects
      • You raise your profile by sharing what you know by writing a blog for your organization’s intranet, produce and distribute White papers on current issues, etc
    • Form a mastermind group
      • Seek out like minded individuals and discuss current issues/trends
    • Grow your network
      • Don’t always hang out with people you already know especially at professional meetings
      • Actively participate in community and charity events as well as professional meetings
    • Find a mentor(s)
      • Great way to benefit from others experiences
      • They can open their network to you through introductions
    • Highlight others’ achievements
      •  Always share credit with others even if it was your idea as they are more likely to reciprocate
      • Suggest them for potential speakers
      • Be generous in the names you put on your publications

What are the other ways you are attempting to increase your visibility? 

#PharmacyPracticeManagers #PharmacyLeadership #PharmacyStudents #Resident #NewPractitioners #ResidencyProgramDirector



01-30-2015 12:48

Back in the dark ages when I was a Director of Pharmacy, I made it a practice to sit with someone other than my department at lunch. I learned a lot about what was important to the Lab, to Radiology, to my Nursing colleagues just by sitting and listening, and asking or answering questions in those conversations. I also became something other than the disembodied "Pharmacy" to them. I became a person, with expertise, and feelings, and responsibilities they would acknowledge, once I acknowledged theirs. I ultimately became someone whose opinion they would seek. It turned out to be a low-cost, high-impact road to visibility within my organization.

01-28-2015 15:51

Posting or replying to list-serv inquiries.

01-27-2015 21:00

Seek to genuinely understand and appreciate the people around you, regardless of status or occupation. It is surprising how much a small gesture can mean to someone.

01-27-2015 10:37

Great Suggestions! Thank you.