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Questions and Leadership

By Sara White posted 04-19-2015 11:57


In Good Leaders Ask Great Questions, Your Foundation For Successful Leadership John Maxwell shares the following. Also review my blog posting on April 16 for the value of asking questions and questions leaders should ask themselves.

  • What questions do I ask my team members and really listen to the answers
    • What do you think which gets you the other person’s strength, heart and mind
    • How can I serve you which helps you not develop a positional mind-set whereby you start thinking you know best
    • What do I need to communicate as success in communication comes from the context more than the content
    • Did we exceed expectations which stimulates you to continue to improve your services
    • What did you learn which prompts people to evaluate their experience and make an assessment so they can learn
    • Did we add value and specifically how
    • How do we maximize this experience so we don't take anything for granted
    • What do I need to know which invites people to give you an overview of the situation, provide vital information and prioritize what they feel is important
    • How do we make the most of this opportunity which may also lead to others if pursued
    • How are the numbers which is tangible evidence of our efforts
    • What am I missing gives people permission to tell you and be sure you really listen not shutting the person down
    • How do you help people realize the talent within them
      • Give them the hope to believe in themselves, develop themselves and blossom into effective leaders
      • Find evidence that they want to grow learning attitude and hunger to grow
      • Identify their strengths help them figure out what they are good at
      • Give them a place to practice
      • Coach them to improvement as people tend to learn more from their failure than successes so give them the security to fail
      • Keep increasing their responsibilities
  • How do I develop other leaders
    • How do you determine others leadership potential
      • Pay attention to the needs they see which will move them to action which is a sign that they have leadership potential
      • Do they have natural abilities to help others and are they naturally intuitive, productive, satisfied and influential
      • Do they make the most of their passion which is compelling to others so they want to follow them
      • Do they have influence, which means they can persuade people to work with them.  No followers means you are only taking a walk
  • How do you inspire your team to make its current work career something to be proud of and not just another job with a paycheck
    • No job has a future only people have futures
    • The greatest threat to tomorrow’s success is often today’s
    • Share your passion as it is contagious
    • Paint a picture of people’s future that inspires them to work harder today
    • Challenge them to keep growing
  • Components of leadership development
    • Environment leadership is more caught than taught
    • Exposure the inspiration for leadership observe successful leaders
    • Equipping intention for leadership every book you read, every lesson you absorb, every principle you apply helps you become a better leader and takes you another step forward in your leadership potential
  • What are the top skills required to lead people through sustained difficult times which is when we really find out who we are as leaders
    • Define reality help people define things that are holding them back and the things that will free them up so they can make good choices
    • Remind them of the big picture leader are the keepers and communicators of the vision remind people of why they are doing what they do and the benefits of their hard work
    • Help them develop a plan to get out of the difficulty first know where you are where you want to go steps required to go from here to there
    • Help them make good choices which define who they are and where they go much of what we get comes from what we have chosen
    • Value and promote teamwork everyone must work together
    • Give them hope crisis hold the opportunities difficult times can discipline us to become stronger conflict can actually renew our chances of building better relationship
  • Help people with the greatest challenge in answering the call to leadership
    • Making decisions that affect others as you must be willing to make tough choices and uncomfortable decisions
      • Courageous what must be done
      • Priority what must be done first
      • Change what must be done differently
      • Creative what might be possible
      • People who should and who should not be involved
  • What advice would you give an aspiring leader trying to take the first steps into leadership
    • Take the long view of leadership
    • Learn to connect with people
    • Develop credibility and prove yourself every day
    • Try not to worry too much about what people think of you
  • What’s the most important thing a leader must learn in order to be a leader of leaders
    • Become a better leader yourself as people tend to follow people stronger than themselves
    • Achieve your leadership success and keep raising your capacity
    • Keep your ego in check as if you have a compulsive need to be the alpha dog the other top dogs won’t want to work with you



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