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Workplace Rivalry

By Sara White posted 05-17-2015 10:06


Mind Tools Club in How to Manage Rivalry in the Workplace has the following advice for leaders.

  • In the workplace rivalry is when individuals compete with another person rather than focusing on attaining the results needed
  • The more similar people are the more likely they are to become rivals especially if they have similar jobs
  • Healthy rivalry can bring out the best in people as long as it doesn’t get out of hand.
  • Strategies for managing rivalry
    • Look for signs of unhealthy rivalry such as frequent arguments, gossip, rumors or do they focus on the others shortcomings
    • Meet with your people because ignoring it won’t stop it. Meet with rivals individually to get each perspective keeping them focused on the facts not their frustrations. Describe how their negative behavior is affecting the group and the consequences of it continuing. Suggest ways to resolve the conflict.
    • Establish clear boundaries because sometimes if roles are poorly defined people step on each other.  Be sure you have clear job descriptions that are understood by everyone.
    • Avoid comparisons as much as possible and keep performance evaluations confidential. Coach people only compete with themselves not others
    • Review the current incentives to be sure you aren’t contributing to the rivalry
    •  Focus on team building through such things as social activities, sharing stories about personal lives, what they like about their jobs, why they choose pharmacy, etc.
    • Form partnerships by having rivals work together on a project which will give them each the opportunity to learn how the other’s efforts contribute and builds a relationship


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