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Mentor Program

By Sara White posted 06-05-2015 12:38


As a leader are you sensing that a more formalized mentoring program for your staff, leaders and residents would be beneficial?  Implementation and Outcomes of a Pharmacy Residency Mentorship Program in the newly acquired AJHP Residents Journal June 1, 2015 issue, which can be found online offers the following.

  • An online author video interview at
  • A good review of mentoring references and the established value
  • Program pre-implementation challenges.
    • Mentorship was viewed as more of an art than a science hence a flexible structure is appropriate.
    • Clearly distinguishing between a mentor (long term career) and a preceptor (short term and specific topic) is needed.
    • The need to customize/individualize the relationship so allow people flexibility
    • Not everyone is motivated to become a mentee nor mentor so don't try and force it
  • Guidelines (included in the article) versus a strict structure were used
  • This specific program’s outcomes are impressive
    • Participants were surveyed (questions asked included)
    • 73% agreed that a mentor was beneficial and citing it as integral to their career planning
    • 45% exceeded the meeting monthly guideline meeting multiple times monthly because of the value
    • 100% of the resident participants had a position offer or matched another residency while the previous two years it was 85% and 88%

Please share your experiences with mentoring programs so others can benefit.   

#PharmacyPracticeManagers #PharmacyLeadership #PharmacyStudents #ResidencyProgramDirector #Resident
