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Holding People Accountable

By Sara White posted 06-28-2015 09:24


As a leader one of our jobs is to hold our people accountable so the advice in a recent Mind Tools Club Holding People Accountable Helping People Take Ownership of Their Work article may be helpful.

  • Is this story true in your workgroup? There was an important job to be done and Everyone was sure Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done. Pharmacy since it takes several people to complete most transactions is easily this story.
  • Accountability boils down to one thing: responsibility so when you hold people accountable, you make sure they achieve the goals, standards and deadlines agreed to.
  •  If as a leader you don't hold everyone accountable you are being unfair to those who do take responsibility, i.e. your good performers.
  • Strategies
    • Start with yourself as people work hard for leaders they admire so set a good example as the role model with a positive attitude and a high level of professionalism always taking responsibility by holding yourself accountable
    • Set clear expectations and don't assume your people will instinctively know what you expect in terms of quality, deadlines or results. The clearer you communicate the better results you are likely to get
    • Establish performance standards with the specifics you intend to measure because then you can hold them accountable for any gaps between their progress and their goals. Consider using SMART goals; specific, measurable, achievable, results-focused and time-bound.
    • Obtain commitment by jointly with the person establishing the goals and performance expectations. Provide any needed coaching
    •  Follow up, then follow up again by either setting regular meetings or touching base frequently and expecting progress reports so you can assist earlier rather than at the end
    • Assess performance frequently and praise them for their diligence coaching as needed.
      • With poor performance don't hesitate to have a Crucial Conversation and/or institute progressive discipline so you are fair to the rest of your workgroup

Please share your experiences in holding people accountable.

#PharmacyLeadership #PharmacyPracticeManagers #ResidencyProgramDirector
