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Keeping Positive

By Sara White posted 07-31-2016 10:20


Patty Onderko in 9 Ways to Say No to Negativity on indicates as a pharmacy leader you not only have to keep yourself positive but those that work with you. She shares the following advice.

  1. Set reasonable goals so you experience satisfaction in reaching them which spurs you on to the next goal.
    1. For large goals break them down into manageable goals for example if drafting the department’s annual report set your first goal to outline what you want to cover versus trying to write the whole report in your first siting
  2. Turn “problems” into “challenges” as words are very powerful on your attitude and in how your mind moves forward
    1. Create a list of the negative words you tend to use and replace them with more positive ones
    2. Eliminate the phrase “I should” from your self talk and replace it with “I could choose to” as choose puts you in the driver’s seat
  3. Reset your default answer as negative people tend to use “no” as their first response to new ideas and experiences.
    1. Try as a better response “I’m not sure, give me a minute” then try and find a good reason to say yes before you say no
  4. Display that “award” as it can be important to have physical reminders of positivity in one’s environment.
    1. What can work is anything that reminds you of your past achievements such as photos, artwork by your kids, gift or letter of appreciation from your boss or organization as it is hard to get down on yourself in the face of real proof of your abilities and full life
  5. Put your hands up as historically humans have expressed power through large open postures so standing up and breathing deeply can enhance your perceived power
  6. Be a critical thinker, not a critical person
    1. It is human to first have a critical thought but the key is to redirect those thoughts by asking yourself “What else is also true about this situation/dilemma or person”
    2. Remind yourself that an opportunity for improvement is not criticism
  7. Wake up on the right side of the bed
    1. Instead of automatically thinking of all the things you need to get done ask yourself the following questions which changes your outlook and attitude for the whole day
      1. What am I excited about doing today
      2. Who can I encourage or serve today
      3. What am I grateful for
  8. Detox from bad news by resisting the urge to listen to/read all the daily details from the news services
  9. Drop your distortions as there are always going to be negative things in the world
    1. Don't mind read by assuming what others are thinking ask them to share their thinking
    2. Don't be a fortuneteller about the future and react as if your prediction is imminent
    3. Don't engage in dichotomous thinking that things are all or none as most things are somewhere in the middle

Comments are always welcome.  

