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Collection of Clinical Rotation Tips

By Angela Colella posted 06-04-2013 17:04


I just started my very first clinical rotation as a fourth year pharmacy student and so I am mentally reviewing the numerous great hints and tips for making the most out of APPE rotations that others have given me the last few years.  If you have some great tips, please share them too!

- Learn like you are leaving  . . . but relate like you are staying.
- Treat every day like an interview.
- Remember the reason you got into health care in the first place. 
- Once in a while, think about who inspires you and why. 
- Don't be afraid to ask for help, whether it is from your preceptor, a fellow student, or spouse.
- If you feel like you are going to pass out, find a chair (with arms!) and sit down.
- Keep a notebook in your pocket and write down important clinical nuggets. 
- Keep another notebook in which to journal your experiences and thoughts.
- Eat breakfast and get enough sleep.
- The magic happens outside your comfort zone; don't be afraid to go there.

#PharmacyStudents #Rotations #APPE



06-22-2013 08:55

Thanks Angela -those were very thoughtful tips.
Do you have any other tips to add after beginning your clinical rotation?

06-06-2013 11:09

Really good ideas
I saved a copy and will give it to my IPPE and APPE students when they start their rotations.
If you are interested I have a power point I review with the students during their rotations:
"Ten Things They Don't Teach You in Pharmacy School" I could send your way