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ASHP Experiential Education Rotation Week 1: Working Through the Jitters

By Cassie Stewart posted 01-09-2015 16:45


I had the privilege and pleasure to be selected for the ASHP Experiential Education program for the 2014-2015 school year.  I have been involved with ASHP since I was a first year student at West Virginia University School of Pharmacy and was ecstatic when I got the great news of acceptance.  To say I was nervous for my first day at the big ASHP headquarters was an understatement.  I had all kinds of thoughts running through my head. What will I be doing? Will they like me? What kind of projects will I be involved in? How will I like living in Washington, D.C.? Needless to say, the jitters were sky high walking into the headquarters that first Monday morning.

Wrapping up my first week here at ASHP, I am more than confident that this rotation will teach me things that I am going to be able to use throughout my pharmacy career.  This rotation is not like any other rotation you will have as a student; there are marketing opportunities, public relation opportunities, networking opportunities, and so many more! I have only been here for 5 days, and I already feel like part of the ASHP team.  If you are a current student signing up for APPE rotations, I strongly encourage you to check out this one.  It is a once in a lifetime opportunity to see how it all works behind the scenes and meet the people in charge of all the cool stuff we are involved in as a student pharmacist – Clinical Skills Competition, PPS, PhORCAS, Pharmacy Student Forum, Student Leadership Awards, The Midyear Meeting, Legislative Day, and so much more! Please feel free to email me if you have questions about the rotation!

