

Keeping Gossip Positive!

By Cavan O'Kane posted 05-28-2020 19:59


Keeping Gossip Positive!

Gossip tends to be an unavoidable part of the workplace. While common, it may be a leading cause of a negative work environment. Gossip can hurt relationships and create an environment of fear and resentment. This can cause significant workplace stress, decreasing productivity and morale. So why do we all do it? Some argue that it is a way to bond with others and build relationships. Others are curious about the lives of their co-workers. What if there is a way to achieve the same satisfaction, but remain positive and encouraging? Dr. Lynn Johnson, author of ENJOY LIFE! Healing with Happiness proposes that we gossip positively in the workplace. Ever hear something positive said about you? Do you remember how good it made you feel? Make a point of saying positive comments about your co-workers. Also, when approached with negative comments, shift the conversation to positive. Promote and follow the THINK rule: Is it TRUE, HELPFUL, INSPIRING, NECESSARY, and KIND? This creates a positive environment where people begin to look for the best in one another. 

Quick exercise: Think about a time when you were engaging in gossip at work. Think about your feelings in that moment. Think about the feelings of the person you were gossiping about. Think about the outcome of the conversation. Was it productive? Did anything surmount from it? Did anyone’s feelings get hurt? What could you have done to shift the conversation? 

#MentalhealthRx #wellbeing

The upcoming posts this week (as well as additional posts which will be posted throughout Mental Health Awareness Month (May) by Maggie Kronz, Daniel Pons, and Bethany Withycombe) were created by ASHP New Practitioner’s Forum CDAG to provide you with helpful resources to improve your mental health and well-being. Previous topics include: Positive psychology and how this can be applied to your personal and professional life to increase your levels of happiness and well-being, managing anxiety and depression, identifying your personal values and how to incorporate these values into your career to avoid burnout, and imposter syndrome and how it may be affecting your mental wellness.. We hope you find these posts beneficial and give you a good starting point to help you be well!


Johnson LD. ENJOY LIFE! Healing with Happiness. Salt Lake City: Head Acre Press. 2007.

Miller KD. What is positive gossip? +7 Examples. Positive Psychology website. www. August 16, 2019. Accessed October 2, 2020.


