Contributed by Danielle Beltz (Past President), Heather Deem (Past Policy Chair) Ashton Unger (Past Legal Affairs Chair) and Heather Deem (Policy Chair): NEOMED Class of 2016
A body of research demonstrates that pharmacy practice advancement is for the good of our patients. PAI is also beneficial for all of us – both pharmacists and student pharmacists. To bring students to PAI, and to solicit their personal investment, we must start with why it matters and then how we can get involved. Why does practice advancement matter to students personally? Why should they get involved in practice advancement as students, rather than leaving it to established pharmacists who know more and are already in the profession? Students tend to believe that established practitioners have it all figured out, and that they can simply take their place among the professional ranks upon graduation. In reality, there are many students who will soon enter the workforce, and we will need to assist pharmacists to ensure place for ourselves in the evolving healthcare environment, in the best interest of patients. Students need to understand their role to fully realize the promise of PAI for patients and for our profession. We need to communicate how to get involved in a meaningful way.
At Northeast Ohio Medical University, our Policy Chair, and Legal Affairs Chair worked together to put together this educational handout for students as part of student led advocacy training. This material is available for your chapter use upon request.
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