

ASHP Recertfication Ambassador: Diabetes, ID, and DAPT

By David Martin posted 07-30-2016 22:04


Good evening!  This summer is flying by, and I can't believe it is the end of July.  With one more month of summer left, I am determined to make the most of it, which means keeping up on my CE during the summer thunderstorms :)

I recently completed the ASHP Pharmacotherapy Intensive Studies regarding diabetes, infectious diseases, and antiplatelet therapy.  The diabetes module focused mainly on the newer classes of recently approved diabetic medications, the literature to support their use, and their place in therapy.  I haven't personally seen very many patients on these medications, so it was interesting to learn more about them and hear that they are actually now more preferred over some of the more typical diabetic medications you may have thought of previously.  The infectious diseases module dove into a variety of clinical practice guidelines, addressing controversial topics and explaining the literature behind certain recommendations.  The speakers did a fantastic job, and the patient cases helped to solidify the information that was presented.  Finally, the antiplatelet module discussed new data regarding this therapy after drug-eluting stent placement.  There are so many new studies coming out, and the decision for what to give and for how long is really not as black and white as the guidelines make it out to be!

I hope you will be able to take some time this summer to learn something new as well!  If you have questions about these or any other ASHP re-certification/CE course, let me know!

- David

