

Credentialing and Privileging - The Time Has Come

By David Witmer posted 10-17-2014 05:22


It has been quite a while since I have contributed a blog.  But I am going to make a more concerted effort to make some regular contributions.

This month’s issue of the Journal includes the publication of a Special Feature titled: Credentialing and privileging of pharmacists: A resource paper from the Council on Credentialing in Pharmacy. This paper was developed to supplement the Council on Credentialing in Pharmacy (CCP) a Guiding Principles for Post-licensure Credentialing of Pharmacists and to assist those who are introducing or enhancing a credentialing and privileging system for pharmacists. The paper provides an overview of credentialing and privileging concepts, provides advice on the design of credentialing and privileging programs, and provides examples of these programs in a variety of different practice settings.  These examples emanate from previously published work on the implementation of credentialing and privileging programs in a variety of different practice settings.

This is a timely publication. As we march on towards the achievement of provider status the development of effective credentialing and privileging programs will become increasingly important. As our profession has become more differentiated and specialized it will become increasingly important to participate in credentialing and privileging programs to ensure that pharmacists possess the requisite skills to provide care specific to their unique scope of practice. While physicians are recognized as providers they cannot care for patients in hospitals without being credentialed and privileged. As pharmacists we should not expect that we will face less scrutiny than our medical colleagues. Achieving provider status will not mean that the public, payers, or health care systems will not expect documentation of competency relative to the scope of care provided.

As I have spoken to friends and colleagues around the country I know that many practice sites have developed or are in the process of developing credentialing and privileging programs for pharmacists.  This paper provides pharmacists with a useful resource to assist in planning and developing these programs for pharmacists.  I hope that people will take note of this new resource and take the time to plan now so that we are prepared when provider status becomes a reality.

#NewPractitioners #PharmacyStudents #Accreditation #privileging #Resident #InpatientCarePractitioner #ClinicalSpecialistsandScientists #PharmacyPracticeManagers #StateAffiliate #AmbulatoryCarePractitioners #credentialing #CCP #ASHPStaff #HealthCareReform #AJHP #Informaticists
