

Three Things Effective Leaders Do Consistently

By David Witmer posted 02-23-2016 12:22


"In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing; the next best thing is the wrong thing; and the worst thing you can do is nothing."

                     -Theodore Roosevelt

”Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate, and doubt to offer a solution everybody can understand.”

                   - General Colin Powell

”Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it.”

                   - Dwight Eisenhower

These are three of my favorite quotes about leadership.  One element of leadership is about vision and the ability to see solutions, but I will save that for a different day. Today I want to focus on the role of the leader in motivating action. Ultimately a leader cannot by definition be a leader unless there are followers. Eisenhower's quote clearly links the importance of inspiring others to take action because “they want to do it.” Great leaders understand these concepts and inspire others. Powell on the other hand focuses on the importance of effective communication and developing an understanding of solutions or decisions.  And of course Roosevelt’s famous quote speaks to the importance of making decisions. Today I want to focus on three things leaders can do to empower and motivate their employees to achieve success.

Make Sound Decisions

Great leaders have developed in their own minds a governance process for determining what information they need to make decisions and they apply a consistent set of principles to the decision process. A set of core values underlies the decision process and helps ensure that the good decisions are made consistently.  This doesn’t mean you can never change your mind. As Roosevelt correctly observes, indecision can do more harm than doing the wrong thing.  Sometimes new information arises or unexpected results can demand that we reconsider decisions. But if this is a common occurrence it leads to burn out, indecision, and confusion. A consistent application of values helps ensure that this does not occur.

Communicate Their Values

Powell speaks to simplifying and building understanding. Great leaders empower their staffs by not only communicating their values but building an understanding of how they apply those values in the decisions that drive an organization. When your employees understand your values and how you apply them it is empowering. It instills confidence in daily decisions when there is ambiguity and employees will feel comfortable and confident in making decisions on their own. They will also be better prepared when proposing new programs or initiatives if they understand your values and can anticipate questions or concerns and address them in advance.

Develop Their People

Eisenhower observes that a key to leadership is motivating others to perform “because they want to do it.” Great leaders invest time in developing their staff. They give honest and constructive advice and mentor their staffs. My best employees over the years were often those who actively sought advice on how or what they need to improve upon to get to the next level or role. But it is not always easy and indeed some people don’t want to hear that they have faults. In these cases, when possible seek to frame your advice in a positive, constructive frame. Help them see not what they do wrong, but what they can learn to do better and what’s in it for them if they do. Your job is not to make people happy but to help and inspire them to make themselves happy through success and achievement.

There is of course much more to being an effective leader, but focusing on these three issues are key to motivating and empowering your team to achieve success.

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