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Student Society and State Affiliate Microsites

By Jacalyn Rogers posted 11-16-2012 13:42


Facebook, and Twitter, and LinkedIn…Oh My!  It is easy to get lost in the massive world of social media, and yet still be able to find what you are looking for online.  My biggest struggle when joining ASHP Connect was discovering where I fit into this new platform, and where I wanted my voice to be heard.  That is why I was overjoyed to help design and build microsites for the state affiliates and student societies.  What a great way to learn about what is happening at my SSHP, and feel connected to my state society!

What is a Microsite?

This is the most common question I have faced since the beginning of my project.  Microsites are a secondary website with independent links and address that is accessed from Connect.  Therefore, it is a “home” on ASHP Connect for state affiliates and student societies. 

Benefits for Student Societies and State Affiliates

Microsites are a unique perk of being a recognized student society and state affiliate, which can act as a website or just an information platform.   Members are able to discuss topics, see future events, read announcements, and download important files.   Users will be able to search on ASHP Connect for their SSHP or state affiliate, and locate important links that are connected with the society’s webpage, facebook, twitter, and other significant links.  The microsites allow the leadership of your student society or state affiliate, an effective way, to communicate in a more professional forum than on facebook. 

To find your student society and state affiliate, go to the directory and select ‘All Student Societies’ or ‘All State Affiliates’ then join the community.  This is a great place to post questions specific to your SSHP and state affilate, and locate upcoming events.   The microsites are a way to find your place in ASHP Connect because after all, “there’s no place like home!”

#SocialMedia #PharmacyStudents
