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New Practitioners' Advocacy - New Provider Status in the near future?

By Jaclyn Boyle posted 07-29-2014 10:59

On my last day of rotation at ASHP, I reflected on the two weeks of learning that I had with the Government Affairs Division. Advocacy is an energizing whirlwind!  At the beginning of my rotation, I met with my preceptor, Chris Topoleski, to discuss activities and goals of the rotation.  My main objectives were to learn about different ways I can get involved in advocacy as a new practitioner and to learn more about the organization's operations.  Little did I know that he would provide me with the single most professionally fulfilling experience of my life.

In our discussion, he asked me if there was anything that I was specifically interested in doing while onsite at ASHP.  As I realized he spends a significant time advocating for the profession of pharmacy at Capitol Hill, I thought this could my potential chance to see eye-to-eye advocacy in action.  In agreement, we scheduled a day for me to tag along to "the Hill" during my second week. 

In all honesty, I wasn't sure what to expect on Capitol Hill. I thought about what to say to the legislative staff for days.   What does provider status mean to me? To my patients? To the rest of the healthcare community?  To the future of the profession?  Will my opinion make a difference? How can I best represent my profession if this is the one chance I have to be in direct contact with representatives? Would we be faced with a battery of questions or strong opposition from staff members?  How would I handle questions related to Provider Status that I wasn't sure of the answer?  What if I disappointed my preceptor?  What do I say in one or two minutes of time I have to speak about why Provider Status is so important to the profession of pharmacy?

The morning of travel to the Hill was filled with preparation & excitement.  I had the opportunity to speak with 5 representatives' staff along with other lobbyists from various pharmacy organizations and companies. My preceptor was confident and supportive throughout all of our interactions with staff on the Hill.  I felt proud to be a part of ASHP and even more excited about how much progress we are making related to provider status!

At the end of the day, I realized that being involved in advocacy can start with anyone, anywhere. Students, pharmacy technicians, residents, pharmacists, non-pharmacists, and truly anyone with a passion for what they do every day can advocate on the behalf of their profession and their patients.  With every question that a staff member posed, I answered without hesitation with a response that was natural and honest. It wasn't as difficult as I had anticipated!  Even I could be a part of change. I could make a small difference that perhaps someday will be a part of a big change.  And to me, those moments changed my professional life forever. 

Thank you ASHP for believing in your members. Thank you for providing them with these opportunities.  Ones that can be remembered during a time in the future when acheiving provider status is part of our history… and I can say that my memory was a part of making that happen. Thank you to the members of the Government Affairs Division at ASHP who work tirelessly to support initiatives that move our profession forward. 

#Informaticists #ResidencyProgramDirector #InpatientCarePractitioner #Resident #NewPractitioners #Professionalism #PharmacyStudents #ClinicalSpecialistsandScientists #PharmacyPracticeManagers #GovernmentAffairs #ExperientialEducation #AmbulatoryCarePractitioners #Advocacy #BoardMembers



08-19-2014 11:22

Thank you both for your support! :)

08-05-2014 14:49

Great job! What an encouragement that we can all make a difference. Thank you.

08-04-2014 22:16

Great piece, Jackie!