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Section of Pharmacy Educators Roundtable Recap: Interprofessional Education Resources and Best Practices

By Krystal Moorman posted 12-06-2023 15:58


Hello Everyone,

I am posting notes our outstanding facilitators Jill Robke, Melissa Ruble, and Jared Sheley took at the Roundtable Session on IPE at the Midyear Clinical Meeting. Please pardon the formatting. Our outline is not pasting nicely into Connect. I am happy to e-mail notes to anyone interested.

Interprofessional Education (IPE) Resources and Best Practices

1.     Models of IPE education in experiential and didactic curricula

a.     What are you doing for IPE in the experiential setting? 

                                               i.     Pre-specified days for IPE experiential day (P4s are excused from rotation for these days). Not all students get to participate. These days are scheduled and shared with students and preceptors.

                                             ii.     Residents are scheduled with other professions as an exchange program. Currently this program does not have a set schedule but may consider this in the future.

                                            iii.     Resident monthly IPE sessions. Future goals include increased engagement given virtual platform. Topics include the following:

1.     Navigate EHR

2.     Policy and protocol overview

3.     Wellness

4.     Suicide prevention/mental health care for patients

5.     Art of presenting

6.     Impostor syndrome

7.     New practitioner

8.     CV

9.     Adulting 101 (Financial Planning)

10.  Motivational interviewing

                                            iv.     One program has pharmacy school and medical school have P1-P2 and M1-M2 students taking the same coursework side by side in the same classroom, and feel that helps built the respect and collaboration between pharmacy and medical students that carries on to future training/practice. 

                                              v.     annually students work on a case together and learn about one other’s professions- first year share about their profession, second year ethical issues, (how does religion affect medical care) final clinical scenarios and care pan developments

b.     What are you doing for IPE in the didactic curriculum?

                                               i.     Shared courses such as DEI, Ethics, Case Conference, Population Health. These are held starting in P1.

                                             ii.     Several participants discussed that pharmacist are often asked to give lectures to other medical professionals in the experiential setting, but that there is often times not the reciprocal return of lectures for pharmacy learners by other professions. Discussed maybe we should explore more shared lectures.

                                            iii.     In Spain- students spend 5th year in experiential training, they spend most of the time with pharmacist preceptors learning about pharmacy ops and some time with doctors and nurses on the units

c.     What are challenges or struggles for IPE in both settings?

                                               i.     Scheduling

                                             ii.     Updated list of learners (roster)

                                            iii.     Coordination of all professions

                                            iv.     Limited space for didactic courses

                                              v.     Resources (time, workload)

2.     Developing collaborative education partnerships with interprofessional colleagues

a.     Who are your interprofessional colleagues?

                                               i.     Medicine, nursing, APRN, PA, optometry, PT, sports medicine, dentistry

                                             ii.     Primarily physician and nursing colleagues for most interprofessional activities but also some discussion of other HCP's including respiratory therapy, dental and social work. 

                                            iii.     RN, NP, PA, RN, PT/OT, RC, Speech, SW, MD

                                            iv.     schools not affiliated with a medical institution have difficulty interacting with medical students and residents- would like to hear from others in this situation handle this?

b.       What is the most successful partnership?

                                               i.     Those partnerships that build trust. It is important to find ways to build this trust and to approach new partnership with shared interests such as standards and/or requirements for programs.

                                             ii.     Primarily physician and nursing colleagues

                                            iii.     most successful with RN, PA, RN are usually the most successful

3.     Evaluation of students by IPE colleagues and evaluation of IPE students

a.     How do you collect IPE evaluations?

                                               i.     ICCAS -

                                             ii.     TeamSTEPPS

                                            iii.     IPE didactic courses have different evaluations for course evaluations to better evaluate IPE nature.

                                            iv.     Discussed that this is one of the most challenging aspects of IPE. We had good discussions about different approaches that could be considered but overall felt that evaluation by and of other professions is difficult. One of the more interesting discussions included approaching evaluations as an IPE team - were they able to be successful in getting the end answer/result and have them reflect on what went well and what didn't, and if the end answer/result was not optimal discussion about why and who would have done what to improve this (or if they were successful, why). 

                                              v.     Encourage preceptors to provide feedback on IPE performance. Other disciplines have not been comfortable enough to provide feedback

4.     Resources that enhance IPE education

a.     IPE Core Competencies (attached)

b.     IPE topics found in forums from ASHP, ACCP, AACP

c.     IPEC – IPE Conference

d.     Interprofessional colleagues

e.     ASHP Resource Center

