

Books for Mental Health

By Margaret Kronz posted 05-14-2020 11:33


School has made reading for pleasure tough for many of us, but there are so many great resources out there to help create better wellbeing. See our suggestions below: 


For the person who hasn’t picked up a book since English class:  

Coelho, Paulo. The Alchemist


For the person who feels trapped in their own thoughts: 

Hayes, Steven. Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life


For an interactive book that keeps you at the center: 

Harris, Russ. The Happiness Trap

Eurich, Tasha. Insight


For the life-long learner who wants a heavier behavioral economics book that will teach you something on every page: 

Kahneman, Daniel. Thinking Fast and Slow


For a light, easy story that can make you laugh and cry:

Gottlieb, Lori. Maybe you should talk to someone


For someone who needs some tough love: 

Duckworth, Angela. Grit


For the twenty-something with a little FOMO: 

Jay, Meg. The Defining Decade 

#MentalhealthRx #wellbeing

