

How are you doing today?

By Margaret Kronz posted 05-15-2020 05:23


I will wrap up with a personal story. During my final year of school, I was on an APPE rotation that was considerably less demanding than my previous rotations and years in school had been. That gave time for many of the feelings I had been suppressing to surface. I felt stressed, and I was frustrated at myself for being so stressed over a rotation that shouldn’t be stressful. The physical symptoms of stress that I began experiencing led me to make an appointment at my doctor’s office. I met with the nurse first. She asked me what was going on, and I explained that I felt anxious. She laughed aloud and said, “Yeah, I think everyone is anxious nowadays.”

This experience put into perspective for me how normal it has become to not be okay.

How are YOU doing? Are you doing a check-in on yourself?  When was the last time you did a mental health inventory for you? Creating a better culture of mental wellness begins with you, so take a moment to check-in and do something that rejuvenates you and brings you joy.

#MentalhealthRx #wellbeing

