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Residency Match Day

By Paul Abramowitz posted 03-20-2015 14:08

On behalf of ASHP I would like to congratulate everyone who matched in today’s Pharmacy Residency Match Program. Your many years of hard work have paid off, and you are now on your way to the next phase of honing your skills as a patient care provider and a leader in our profession. More than 3,600 pharmacy students and new practitioners matched with a residency position. This year, I am also happy to report that over 300 additional residency positions were added to the 2015 Match. Further, this year’s 8% rate of growth for PGY1 residency positions exceeded the 5% growth in demand from applicants. Things are clearly heading in the right direction, and ASHP looks forward to continuing to build further capacity in pharmacy residency training throughout the United States and around the world.

When ASHP leaders created the vision for pharmacy residency training over 50 years ago and started accrediting pharmacy residencies, there were only a handful of programs in existence. And, just in the past three years, the number of positions has increased by 1000 or 25%. This exponential growth and demand, along with the dramatic advancement of pharmacy practice, is amazing and you are part of that.

Today is also a good time for all of us in the profession to reflect on the purpose of residency training as we congratulate our new incoming residents. Residency training is first and foremost about our patients, and about helping them to achieve optimal health outcomes. I applaud all of you as incoming residents for your dedication to your patients, and for your desire to take your clinical and leadership skills to the next level. The year(s) ahead of you in your residency programs will be marked by many challenges; however, the rewards and satisfaction of seeing the difference you make in the lives of your patients, the enhanced confidence in your skills and abilities, and the relationships that you will obtain through your residency will live with you forever.

We want you to know that ASHP is your professional home as residents and future patient care leaders. Further, that ASHP will have the resources you need to be successful throughout your career in your practice, which might be a hospital, an ambulatory clinic, or many other sites throughout the continuum of patient care. To those of you that did not match there are still 270 PGY1 positions and 112 PGY2 positions remaining in the post-match process. Also, if you did not match, I hope you will consider reapplying next year, and using ASHP’s many resources located on ASHP’s Residency Resource Center to help prepare yourself.

In closing, ASHP is the organization for you as a patient care provider, and I encourage you to take advantage of the many benefits of ASHP membership, including our new AJHP Residents Edition, which is a quarterly online supplement to AJHP that provides a forum for pharmacists to publish the results of projects they completed during their residencies.

Again, congratulations to all of you, and best of luck in your residency and your journey throughout your career in the wonderful profession of pharmacy!

