Dear Colleagues,
This month marks our one-year anniversary as a founding funder and member of the Board of Directors of The Get the Medications Right™ (GTMRx) Institute. This organization brings together critical stakeholders — including physicians, pharmacists, caregivers, health information technology innovators, drug and diagnostics companies, consumer groups, employers, payers, and health systems — to advance the adoption of a systematic approach to medication use to save lives and reduce costs through comprehensive medication management (CMM).
GTMRx Institute’s membership roster is impressive in its scope and influence. Member organizations include the American Academy of Family Physicians, the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, Johnson & Johnson, the American College of Clinical Pharmacy, the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, and hundreds of other organizations aligning under a shared belief that collaboration and integration across the spectrum of healthcare are the keys to improving outcomes and reducing costs.
Today, I am pleased to share the GTMRx Institute’s Blueprint for Change. This robust report is based on eight months of multi-stakeholder input and includes guidance to change how medications are managed and a roadmap for reform.
ASHP has long spearheaded efforts to optimize medication use, improve patient safety, and advance clinical pharmacy practice. Our vision is that medication use will be optimal, safe, and effective for all people all of the time. By continuing to demonstrate the value of team-based, pharmacist-provided CMM, we can improve the lives of the patients we serve and decrease healthcare costs. Optimal use of medications is essential as we face today’s immense healthcare challenges, including societal inequities in care, lack of adequate primary care, the COVID-19 pandemic, the opioid epidemic, and drug shortages.
The GTMRx Blueprint for Change outlines steps for medication management reform, including an evidence-based process of care that personalizes the approach and leads to better care, reduced costs, and improved patient satisfaction and provider work life. Recommendations in the report highlight four areas of reform:
- How we practice healthcare
- How we pay for healthcare services
- How we use diagnostics
- How we integrate technology
I am proud of our Board of Directors’ decision last year to make a three-year financial commitment to support the GTMRx Institute and demonstrate the value of pharmacist-provided CMM. ASHP’s members, including pharmacists, student pharmacists, and pharmacy technicians, are well-positioned to lead the way on medication management reform. I encourage you to download the full report and review its advice.
I look forward to sharing additional resources and information from our work with the GTMRx Institute as new developments arise. Thank you for all that you do on behalf of your patients and for being members of ASHP.