Do you desire to be great? Alan Fine and Rebecca Merrill in
their book, “You Already Know How To Be Great-A Simple Way To Remove
Interference And Unlock Your Greatest Potential” suggest that the typical
outside-in approach of getting more information isn’t always effective. Rather an inside-out approach is better
which employs three aspects; faith (our beliefs), fire (our
energy/passion/motivation/ commitment), and focus (what we pay attention to).
This approach results in;
Genuinely believing in the viability, competency
and purpose of your organization
Being enthused about and engaged in your work
Knowing what to pay attention to and being
focused on the key objectives that will make the organization successful
Being able to fully execute on the knowledge you
already have
To one degree or another interferences affects our faith,
fire or focus much of which is internal.
The internal is a result of our response to the typical external
interferences because of the conversation we all have with the “800 pound
gorillas inside our head”. The best approach is through focus by changing what
we pay attention to and how we pay attention.
We all perform best when there is a balance between our
perception of the challenge we are facing and our perception of the skill we
have to meet it. In other words,
we need to have enough challenge to keep us excited, but not so much that it
overwhelms or discourages us. You want to be in a zone where you are focused,
fully engaged and intrinsically motivated because then you process things
faster, learn faster and are often not even aware of time or space and things
are effortless.
Removing interferences makes it safe for you to dare to
dream, to dare to think about what’s possible and find the doable first steps. Shift
your belief from “it can’t be done” to “maybe there’s a possibility here” Everyone
has the potential to perform better because they have the phenomenal ability to
learn how to maximize their internal resources.
Action Steps
Try using the following GROW questions to enhance your
internal powers.
What issues do I want to work through? What are the consequences if I do not
take action?
Briefly what is actually happening? What have I tried so far? What were the
results? In what different way might others describe this situation?
If I could do anything to make progress on this issue, what might I do? If I
were watching myself work through this issue what would I recommend?
forward: Do any of these options interest me enough to take action? What
might get in my way and how can I over come it? What are my next steps? Power
comes from doing something.
As always, this is not
intended to be a complete book review but rather selected points to stimulate
your thinking. Comments are welcome