See if you could use information on any of the following topics.
These are cases from The Pharmacy Leadership Field Guide published by ASHP (management books).
Having influence with people who have more authority than you. Advice from Rafael Saenz PharmD, MS and Sara J White, MS.
Be the CEO (chief executive officer) of your career. Advice from Christopher Foriter PharmD and Sara J White, MS.
Finding and maximizing the mentor/mentee relationship. When is it appropriate to say No? (is it ever appropriate?) Advice from Paul R. Krogh PharmD, MS and Ross W Thompson, MS.
The importance of developing relationships. Advice from Staci A. Hermann, PharmD, MS and Roberta M Barber PharmD, MPH
Giving feedback to an individual. Advice from Lindsey R. Kelly, PharmD, MS and Karol Wollenburg MS.
Successfully managing yourself during change. Advice from Kyra Corbett PharmD and Jeanne R. Ezell, MS.
Balancing work, school, and life. Advice from Katherine A. Miller PharmD and Cindi Brennan PharmD, MHA.
What’s your life plan? Advice from Phillip W Brummond PharmD, MS and Toby Clark MS.
The art of persuasion. Advice from Samaneh T. Wilkinson PharmD, MS and Harold N. Godwin, MS.
These are just a few of the 59 cases discussed in this book which is available as a print or E-book.
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