

Pharmacy Leadership-Performing Under Pressure

By Sara White posted 05-26-2013 10:28


Do you crumble under extreme pressure? Paul Sullivan in Clutch Why Some People Excel Under Pressure and Others Don’t offers the following advice and lots of stories to illustrate his points.

  • Extreme pressure comes when the stakes are high and the outcome is vital
  • Have the fortitude to continue when obstacles and challenges constantly are in your way
  • Being great under pressure is hard work so very few people achieve it
  • The key is to operate in high-stress situations as if they are everyday conditions by keeping focused on the next step
  • Have the discipline to master your emotions and your self-talk so you don’t get distracted
  • Those who succeed under pressure readjust or adapt by focusing on the goal that needs to be accomplished, not on a specific method which your training has taught you
  • Being present is a key which means being ready for whatever comes your way and focusing on nothing other than what you are doing
  • Use fear and desire to prompt you to act and take responsibility which means doing what is right and leaving the rest to be sorted out later
  • Avoid the peril of overthinking, which means just do what your job is and not think about what you could, would or should do in the situation
  • Be careful not to become overconfident as each circumstance is different and success with one does not guarantee success again

Not from the book but from my experience being a pharmacist and a leader we must realize that leadership is an art and not a science so using your intuition is how to perform under pressure as there is probably not one right answer as there is in the drug therapy world. What advice do you have for performing under pressure-what works for you?

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