The University of North Carolina (UNC) Eshelman School of Pharmacy and UNC Hospitals formed the Partnership in Patient Care, with a mission of enhancing patient care and providing new educational opportunities for student and resident learners. From this partnership developed the layered learning practice model (LLPM), a model of pharmacy practice and education, mimicking the medical model of active learning. The LLPM was created with a goal of becoming PPMI compliant and enhancing pharmacy services in a patient centered fashion. This model has been piloted on the hematology/oncology services at UNC Hospitals.
The LLPM is a made up of multidisciplinary team members designed to enhance pharmaceutical care delivery to patients. The attending pharmacist is ultimately responsible for all pharmacotherapy related outcomes and student/resident education. In this model, the attending pharmacist meets every newly admitted patient, provides information about the pharmacy services offered, and asks if the patient has a question about their medication, establishing a pharmacist-patient relationship. Learning is handled in a layered fashion from attending pharmacist to resident to student. All services, including discharge and anticoagulation counseling are supported by decentral clinical generalist pharmacists.
The establishment of the LLPM has moved the UNC Oncology pharmacy program one step closer to PPMI compliance. The LLPM has allowed for clinical service expansion, brought us closer to compliance with national patient safety goals, increased the visibility of pharmacists on rounds and guarantees the right of every patient to have a pharmacist. UNC Hospitals is in the process of developing a credentialing and privileging process for these new pharmacy practice roles. Pharmacists involved in the LLPM are documenting recommendations/counseling in the medical record and verifying that critical medication related information is relayed to the outpatient primary oncologist at discharge. Ultimately, technicians will be deployed throughout the North Carolina Cancer Hospital, working in tandem with pharmacists to obtain medication admission histories and facilitating the medication reconciliation process.