Member Directory
Create a comprehensive and interactive profile which will represent you both professionally and individually within in the ASHP Connect community. Your profile is similar to an online resume, but with volunteer engagement feeds and member connections. Users will not only be able to browse information and facts, but interact with you. For example, users can see your committee participation levels, volunteer activities, attendance at education events and contributions. You work hard, why not show it?
Blogs within ASHP Connect enable members to share thoughts, opinions and expertise all within an easy to use interface. Now you can create your own blog about a topic that you are interested in, or just read one of the many community blog posts to catch up on the latest pharmacy practice concerns.
Discussion Groups
ASHP’s Discussion Groups are a hybrid of listserv and threaded discussion forum technology. Are you looking for recommendations or have a question you’d like to ask your network? Using ASHP Connect’s Discussion Groups users can post, respond or browse discussion threads. You’ll receive an easy-to-read email with a link to the author, the online archive, and a way to respond to either the author or the entire group. Start new conversation topics or conduct research. You’ll be amazed at the collection of information and data ASHP Connect Discussion Groups generate every day.
User-Created Communities
Browse and join our member communities for all kinds of association happenings—from education and networking events to special projects and interest groups. Start with a simple search and find the community that's right for you. Within the community, you can conduct committee business, discuss topics, share resources, and engage with other members.
Event Calendar
This is not your typical calendar…we want you to have a place where you can look anytime, anywhere and find out what is going on at ASHP. The Event Calendar can be sorted by community name, event type or keyword so that you can see a comprehensive view on all that ASHP offers throughout the year.
Document Sharing
Jackpot! The Resource Library is a treasure trove of user generated content posted by members for members. You can securely share documents and work collaboratively with other members while institutionalizing content into ASHP's knowledge base. The Resource Library can hold multiple kinds of documents, including streaming video, PowerPoint presentations, PDFs, images, Microsoft Office and Apple iWork docs.
Wiki Glossary
This collaboration and reference tool was created with you in mind…and we need your help to keep it up-to-date and accurate. ASHP Connect’s Wiki Glossary is designed to be a constantly evolving storehouse of terms that users can add or modify entries all in one place. ASHP Connect’s Wiki Glossary is set up with easy-to-use content creation interfaces, so you can post and modify new definitions, as well as rate, comment and view related terms.
Mobile Membership
We want you to feel connected! ASHP Connect's Mobile Membership will work on multiple mobile devices including: iPhone®, iPod Touch®, BlackBerry®, Google Android® and Windows Mobile®. You can get updated news and events, including details on the conference and daily happenings at ASHP.