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Smashing the fragile social media - Guide 2021

I have observed that indulging in an endless battle on social media that is Facebook can have a negative impact on my personal and social relationships. I think that using social media sites I often get mean, and even overreact on the attempts at written humor. It seems that seeing all the rage, deception, hatred, and ignorance constantly had negatively influenced my life as well. I know it sounds ridiculous as one might think that using college essay writing service can influence a person’s life but believe me it does.

Apparently, I am pretty good with words. They serve as the secret weapon that I can use anytime either by speaking or by writing. So using them negligently I can hurt several people sentiments. However, I use them responsibly then words have the potential to change the course of history. Nonetheless, if you lack the ability to express your thoughts in the form of words you can still alter the past. Perhaps if people in the past would not be so obnoxious regarding Hitler’s art, his rage would not have increased to the level that he used his words to order the mass murders. 



Since the rise of technology, it has become an indispensable part of our lives. People use social media regardless of their age and gender. Though mostly use it for entertainment purpose yet many use it for channeling their inner voice so that it can reach millions of people. I am not saying that social media experience is worthless but there is a need to define a limit. It is highly addictive and people just to be cool are blindly following everything they see on social media. Although I am also one of those people who like to follow every silly thing on social media and make it my goal to discuss every lame thing and put myself into arguments where I can gain maximum attention. 

There is no denying that this situation is highly addictive but as for me it just pushes the right button of my brain. Essay writing service legit get eager to participate in every ridiculous argument and love to intervene in the arguments that people are having regarding a misguided associate or an ignorant racist. I feel like being called upon to serve up these bizarre things kind of give satisfaction that is beyond measurable. It is like winning a lottery or a freestyle boxing match.

According to an old saying, it is not wise to argue with a fool in public unless the public knows which is which. Similarly, with social media arguing with a fool depicts that there are two as the people who are interested to see you arguing with fools are other fools. Nevertheless, in reality, you can be a king of idiots but to attain that status on the internet you require an expensive marketing and PR team to create your drama.

 Now we all are aware of the guilty pleasure that we feel after being part of the foolish arguments. I feel that the chance to serve some fool is highly addictive. It’s like your favorite dessert that you want more and more. Although, despite immense satisfaction, I feel hollow inside. I unnecessarily become aggressive and mean in real life and life on the internet. It is like the line between reality and internet life seemed blurred and I cannot even distinguish between the two. 

No rules, no perspectives, and no mind. From time to time I deactivate Facebook to save myself from this delusional word and protect my sanity but despite deactivating it, the application holds on to all of my information. It automatically knows that I will be back soon. I mean how could it not know that I will return? It is familiar with my habits and knows all the details of my life.

 I never doubted your ability to raise your voice to make a change. I appreciate the efforts and encourage you all to fight for the social inequalities and if required indulge in a heated argument with both open and close-minded people. Never underestimate yourself and live your life to the fullest. Cast judgment from your best essay writing service. Never be afraid to take a risk and express your thoughts openly. See how much you can do with your voice so why use it on social media only. Why do you all condemn rebels on social media platforms when you can tell them to cut it out in person. If you are highly concerned regarding the current situation and America’s future, then my friend I can tell you for sure that you do have tons of opportunities to do something about the issues in real life rather than just rely on Facebook.

In short, I would like to address all the people regardless of who they are that raising voice irrespective of the type of issue and telling our perspective helps no one. We are just a bunch of people who think that by giving our opinion we have become hashtag revolutionaries and social justice warriors yet, in reality, we are doing all these things just for our gains and also benefiting the media companies’ owners. Although, as long as you know what and why you are doing, there is nothing wrong with this.

I feel so embarrassed for the time I wasted in the past by ranting on people and indulging is silly arguments. It feels as if I have made myself laughing stock as what we do on social media remains there and is not linked with real life. Although sometimes my intentions were pure as I also wanted to raise my voice against social contagion yet most of the time I was present on social media just for satisfying my inner needs of gaining two minutes' attention by following the majority.

From now on I pledge that I will make my social media accounts to spread love, creativity, and compassion for others. Moreover, I will channel all my energy and will put my ideas in a place where you all can give your honest opinion directly to me. Although I am not saying that I won’t be using cheap essay writing service yet this time I will not make myself too comfortable.

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