It's that time of the year where 3rd year pharmacy students start thinking about 4th year rotations. There is a lot to consider when choosing rotations - from scheduling off blocks, applying to clinical tracks or specialty rotations, and choosing different hospitals and preceptors
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I’m 7 weeks into my APPE longitudinal ambulatory care rotation at an HIV clinic. It is one afternoon a week. Before clinic every week, I spend a lot of time reading through my patients’ charts to understand their medical history. Luckily, the HIV and Opportunistic Infection guidelines are...
As someone who is interested in residency and has only had clinical rotations so far, my community rotation has been big change of pace. Even though this is not the environment in which I plan to practice in the future, I have enjoyed learning more about community pharmacy practice, patient...
Of course, all rotations are different. Here I have included a description of a typical day on my cardiology rotation. 5am: Wake up. Try not to press the snooze button more than once. Get up quietly so my significant other can sleep for two more hours. Make coffee and breakfast (the most...
For many 4th year pharmacy students, December means Midyear Clinical Meeting and residency applications
As I answered the questions, I came to the realization that 4th year rotations were less than 8 months away and that it was time to prepare myself to be a clinical practitioner