My current rotation is a bit of a change from pharmacy practice; I’m on a teaching rotation at the pharmacy school. It is interesting to see all the work that goes into each class behind the scenes. Even simple things, like labeling saline vials with lot numbers and expiration dates for vaccine...
I’m 7 weeks into my APPE longitudinal ambulatory care rotation at an HIV clinic. It is one afternoon a week. Before clinic every week, I spend a lot of time reading through my patients’ charts to understand their medical history. Luckily, the HIV and Opportunistic Infection guidelines are...
As someone who is interested in residency and has only had clinical rotations so far, my community rotation has been big change of pace. Even though this is not the environment in which I plan to practice in the future, I have enjoyed learning more about community pharmacy practice, patient...
My first two months of rotations have flown by! I started out with an infectious disease rotation and am currently on a cardiology rotation. Every day I learn something new. There are always more articles and guidelines to read and information to look up. While on rounds, I am constantly...
P4s all over the country recently started their first block of APPE rotations. Before starting rotations, I asked advice from several recent graduates on which resources are most useful on rotations. Based on their suggestions and my personal experience, here is a list of resources that I...
Performance evaluations are well-known and effective tools in the workplace and on rotations. Annual evaluations let employees see where they can improve while providing formal recognition and praise for their hours of dedication. My school emphasizes the importance of the midpoint evaluation...
It’s a great feeling to finally be at the end of APPE rotations with graduation in sight. As I enter my final week of rotations I can’t help but look back and compare this rotation to my first rotation. Things have really changed since then! Not only do I approach the rotation differently, I...
As I start my seventh of eight (yay!) APPE rotations, I am pondering the amazing (and wonderfully useful) human trait of adaptability. My current surgical ICU environment is a world different than the one I just left: investigational drugs. Yet, here I sit as functioning as well as any pharmacy...
It's that time of the year where 3rd year pharmacy students start thinking about 4th year rotations. There is a lot to consider when choosing rotations - from scheduling off blocks, applying to clinical tracks or specialty rotations, and choosing different hospitals and preceptors. I had always...
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Wow, isn’t it crazy that January is already half over?! I don’t know about anywhere else, but being in Minnesota where the daily temps are below zero really makes me anxious for spring. One thing nice about the cold weather, it’s given me plenty of time to look back at my rotation experiences. ...