Among the various news feeds and social media posts I saw during last week’s #IWD2017 there were a couple that offered some unique points that I thought I would highlight in this month’s blog. Both authors offered perspectives on how we approach the hiring the right leaders and...
I recently read a good piece on interviewing by Jim Schleckser , CEO, the Inc. CEO Project. In this essay he describes asking candidates "If I was to hire you, how would I know if you were doing a good job?" He goes on to describe how weak candidates will talk in generalities and offer...
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February was filled with residency interviews. There is a lot I wish I had known ahead of time, such as how early to expect a response from programs, how frequently applicants are asked clinical questions, and the duration of most interviews. This blog post was created to provide insight for...
I’m very excited to share the first post in our series about job interviewing. Designed by Inpatient Care Pharmacist, Rachael Ng, this post will introduce you to the basics of interviewing. Rachael works for the Cleveland Clinic focusing mostly in the intensive care units and investigational...