As our healthcare system becomes increasingly focused on quality and safety, establishing a process to ensure the competence and capabilities of health care professionals, including pharmacists, is becoming increasingly important. This process is known as credentialing and privileging. ...
Contributed by Danielle Beltz (Past President), Heather Deem (Past Policy Chair) Ashton Unger (Past Legal Affairs Chair) and Heather Deem (Policy Chair): NEOMED Class of 2016 A body of research demonstrates that pharmacy practice advancement is for the good of our patients. PAI is also...
The year 2015 has been very productive in our efforts to improve access to the patient care services of pharmacists. ASHP and the Patient Access to Pharmacists’ Care Coalition now have bipartisan support of 245 members of the U.S. House of Representatives and 37 members of the U.S. Senate for...
Educating the Public on What Pharmacists do IS Part of Providing Healthcare Contributed by Danielle Beltz & Angela Goodhart, Northeast Ohio Medical University Coming this Fall, a new trio of medical drama: Chicago Hope the Pharmacy Edition, ER Pharmacist, and Dipiro’s...
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Good Evening! For the first time in awhile, I am sitting here in my Chicago apartment with the windows closed and space heater on as it seems Fall has finally arrived. The colder weather also presents an opportunity to take advantage of some ASHP re-certification materials for BCPS. This...
The concept of having critical care pharmacy services available 24/7 is certainly not new. The value of critical care pharmacists has been well documented through various studies where it was proved that critical care pharmacists reduce medication errors, improve patient outcomes, and...
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HER2 membrane proteins play a special role in certain types of breast cancer: amplified levels of HER2 drive unrestricted cell growth. HER2-tailored antibody-based therapeutics aim to prevent cancer cell growth. However, two-thirds of HER2 positive breast cancer patients develop resistance...
Good Evening Everyone! I hope everyone is enjoying the spring weather and getting their summer plans in place as we head into June. Like all of you, I have been extremely busy planning vacations and finishing projects for residency. I also had the opportunity to attend the MAD-ID...
Happy New Year! As we enter 2015 we can reflect on the success we had with last year’s introduction of pharmacists’ provider status legislation, H.R. 4190. This legislation, which enjoyed great support by both Republicans and Democrats, would amend the Social Security Act to recognize...
I’m 7 weeks into my APPE longitudinal ambulatory care rotation at an HIV clinic. It is one afternoon a week. Before clinic every week, I spend a lot of time reading through my patients’ charts to understand their medical history. Luckily, the HIV and Opportunistic Infection guidelines are...