Hi everyone! As a practicing informatics pharmacist, I frequently get questions from students about the 'day in the life' of an informatics pharmacist. In an effort to be proactive, I've started a YouTube channel that highlights some of the aspects of the field. In my most recent video, I host...
Hi Everyone! It's hard to believe that February is almost here! With the end of another month comes another blog post (and one step closer to Spring). I was able to finish up the second portion of the 2016 Pharmacotherapy Core Therapeutic Module, which covered cardiac arrhythmias and...
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At a recent happy hour, a young colleague described a situation where several staff in her area did their jobs well but were not being promoted. This led to a very interesting discussion among several of us more “senior” folks at the table and a few of our younger colleagues. I...
This issue of AJHP is a theme issue featuring numerous papers on provider status. I applaud the Journal for featuring more theme issues such as this one that bring us more in-depth focus on important topics facing our profession. What struck me most as I read these papers is that a common...
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Should You Have a Pharmacist CV or Pharmacist Resume? To remain competitive, you’ll need to lay a good foundation for both your pharmacist CV and pharmacist resume What is a resume? Resumes have changed tremendously in the last 5 to 10 years. It is no longer a mundane...
I recently read a good piece on interviewing by Jim Schleckser , CEO, the Inc. CEO Project. In this essay he describes asking candidates "If I was to hire you, how would I know if you were doing a good job?" He goes on to describe how weak candidates will talk in generalities and offer...
Last August in this blog I asked if it was time for pharmacy to reassess its licensure model ( http://connect.ashp.org/blogs/david-witmer/2015/08/21/does-pharmacy-need-to-modernize-its-approach-to-licensure ) . Only a couple of you responded with comments. At the time I shared a report from...
With the arrival of June and the end of the academic year, it is a time of change for many of us. For trainees, this also means it is time to pass the baton and let new and eager to learn pharmacists fill our spots. It is bittersweet as we look forward to our next adventure and reminisce on the...
Good Evening, and I hope everyone has been enjoying some of this summer weather we have had in Chicago this past week! Earlier this month, I took advantage of a few rainy days to complete the group 2 courses in the pharmacotherapy specialty review course provided by ASHP. This group included...
As our healthcare system becomes increasingly focused on quality and safety, establishing a process to ensure the competence and capabilities of health care professionals, including pharmacists, is becoming increasingly important. This process is known as credentialing and privileging. ...