Bringing the Practice Advancement Initiative (PAI) to Life for Students A body of research demonstrates that pharmacy practice advancement is for the good of our patients. PAI is also beneficial for all of us – both pharmacists and student pharmacists. To bring students to PAI, and to...
Just as we’ve all heard, if isn’t broke, don’t fix it . At the University of Charleston School of Pharmacy, my SSHP chapter takes great pride in the annual ASHP Pharmacy Practice Model Initiative (PPMI) video competition. Being a previous winner of the prestigious national award ourselves, we...
On graduation day, few new pharmacists think their beliefs and morals could severely interfere with their ability to perform their job. They also may not grasp the gravity of the oath as they recite, “I will consider the welfare of humanity and relief of suffering my primary concerns.” ...
The concept of having critical care pharmacy services available 24/7 is certainly not new. The value of critical care pharmacists has been well documented through various studies where it was proved that critical care pharmacists reduce medication errors, improve patient outcomes, and...
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The May 1 issue AJHP features Susan Winckler’s 2014 Zellmer lecture , titled “The Intersection of Public Policy and Professional Responsibility.” I highly recommend that all pharmacists read this paper and ponder its implications as we enter a new era of health care. Winckler...
I would first like to say that our hearts go out to the patients, families, and healthcare workers who have been stricken by the Ebola virus. These cases of Ebola infection have, of course, raised questions and concerns regarding America’s preparedness—and that of the rest of the world—to...
"What is Lean? The chicken, or your practice model?" After meeting hours, over ASHP Policy Week in Bethesda, a group of seasoned, new and aspiring health-system pharmacy administrators (HSPA's) gathered for dinner in downtown DC. As one of the aspiring HSPA's, I valued the opportunity to...
“In God we trust. All others must bring data.” – W. Edwards Deming We find ourselves in an increasingly data-driven world, with information becoming more readily accessible and in unforeseen quantities. It is becoming central to everything that we do. With the explosion of...
Brrr! It has been an icy, cold, and even treacherous winter for much of the United States. While sparkly snow falls can sometimes leave us enchanted, too much of winter can also leave us feeling a little down. Thankfully, the New Practitioners Forum (NPF) Professional Practice Advisory Group ...
The third of a three-part series in which ASHP Foundation Oncology trainees share their experiences Dear ASHP Members, Glenn Williams is the third and final ASHP Foundation Oncology Trainee in our series to share his experiences in the program. Glenn isn't on ASHP Connect, so I'm using my...