The concept of having critical care pharmacy services available 24/7 is certainly not new. The value of critical care pharmacists has been well documented through various studies where it was proved that critical care pharmacists reduce medication errors, improve patient outcomes, and...
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Remember when you recited the following oath? "I vow to devote my professional life to the service of all humankind through the profession of pharmacy … I will embrace and advocate changes that improve patient care … I take these vows with the full realization of the responsibility with...
I have been reading with interest both the postings in Connect and in the Connect Blogsphere about the proposed legislation on compounding. As I think about the positions we are urged to take, I find the following points worth considerting: Compounding appears to be necessary -...
It’s hard to believe that after the 61 deaths and more than 700 meningitis cases associated with the alleged practices at the New England Compounding Center last Fall, the bipartisan Senate bill (S.959) that is designed to prevent a tragic repeat could be facing tremendous opposition. ASHP ...
In the last 20 years the ASHP House of Delegates has debated and passed important proposals like the entry-level Pharm.D., universal health insurance, just culture and mandatory reporting of medication errors, collaborative practice, and the implementation of health information technology. In...
I, like most of you, continue to follow the news out of Framingham, Massachusetts, as more is learned about the operations at the New England Compounding Center. What investigators are finding —unsatisfactory conditions, shipping of product before the results of sterility testing were...