Last August in this blog I asked if it was time for pharmacy to reassess its licensure model ( ) . Only a couple of you responded with comments. At the time I shared a report from...
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Bringing the Practice Advancement Initiative (PAI) to Life for Students A body of research demonstrates that pharmacy practice advancement is for the good of our patients. PAI is also beneficial for all of us – both pharmacists and student pharmacists. To bring students to PAI, and to...
Contributed by Danielle Beltz (Past President), Heather Deem (Past Policy Chair) Ashton Unger (Past Legal Affairs Chair) and Heather Deem (Policy Chair): NEOMED Class of 2016 A body of research demonstrates that pharmacy practice advancement is for the good of our patients. PAI is also...
The year 2015 has been very productive in our efforts to improve access to the patient care services of pharmacists. ASHP and the Patient Access to Pharmacists’ Care Coalition now have bipartisan support of 245 members of the U.S. House of Representatives and 37 members of the U.S. Senate for...
As a pharmacy student and future member of one of the most underutilized health professions, professional advocacy is a huge deal. It is important to understand the process of implementing policies and legislation that affect healthcare. Fortunately in February I was able to attend the first...
Educating the Public on What Pharmacists do IS Part of Providing Healthcare Contributed by Danielle Beltz & Angela Goodhart, Northeast Ohio Medical University Coming this Fall, a new trio of medical drama: Chicago Hope the Pharmacy Edition, ER Pharmacist, and Dipiro’s...
How to Create a Provider Status Wall Contributed by Danielle Beltz, ASHP Policy and Legislative Advocacy Advisory Group Member and Melody Smith, ASHP Student Society Advisory Group Member Northeast Ohio Medical University Pharmacy Class of 2016 Why...
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Contributed by: Northeast Ohio Medical University SSHP P4 members Danielle Beltz, Amy Saculla, Sasha Walton Three Student Perspectives on ASHP Student Advocate Training and Legislative Day In January, Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED) SSHP with Dr....
A recent editorial titled “ A license to be a florist? How occupational rules can be a burden on workers ” in the Washington Post caught my eye. The Editors write in support of recommendations contained in a recent White House White Paper from President Obama’s economic team that discusses...
The May 1 issue AJHP features Susan Winckler’s 2014 Zellmer lecture , titled “The Intersection of Public Policy and Professional Responsibility.” I highly recommend that all pharmacists read this paper and ponder its implications as we enter a new era of health care. Winckler...