I recently acquired a copy of a press announcement from the International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists announcing changes to (clarifications of) the Drug Quality and Security Act Title I (Compounding Quality Act). Specifically they announced (direct quote): Draft a new memorandum...
As we approach the presidential inauguration I am reminded of one of the most famous and often quoted inaugural addresses. On January 20, 1961 John Fitzgerald Kennedy challenged his fellow Americans to “…ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country...
Should You Have a Pharmacist CV or Pharmacist Resume? To remain competitive, you’ll need to lay a good foundation for both your pharmacist CV and pharmacist resume What is a resume? Resumes have changed tremendously in the last 5 to 10 years. It is no longer a mundane...
Last August in this blog I asked if it was time for pharmacy to reassess its licensure model ( http://connect.ashp.org/blogs/david-witmer/2015/08/21/does-pharmacy-need-to-modernize-its-approach-to-licensure ) . Only a couple of you responded with comments. At the time I shared a report from...
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As our healthcare system becomes increasingly focused on quality and safety, establishing a process to ensure the competence and capabilities of health care professionals, including pharmacists, is becoming increasingly important. This process is known as credentialing and privileging. ...
My dad used to tell me, “You always need to know more than one way to get to your destination.” Quite true if there’s a road closure or excess traffic blocking or delaying your arrival. This is especially true for today’s pharmacist. Landing your ideal pharmacist job might be delayed due to the...
The year 2015 has been very productive in our efforts to improve access to the patient care services of pharmacists. ASHP and the Patient Access to Pharmacists’ Care Coalition now have bipartisan support of 245 members of the U.S. House of Representatives and 37 members of the U.S. Senate for...
Of all clinical pharmacy topics, neurology is one of the most intriguing. It is fairly complex and diverse, with many unknowns remaining regarding the optimal use of medications. It is definitely an area that has multiple opportunities for pharmacists to provide their medication expertise! ...
As a pharmacy student and future member of one of the most underutilized health professions, professional advocacy is a huge deal. It is important to understand the process of implementing policies and legislation that affect healthcare. Fortunately in February I was able to attend the first...
Hi! My name is Elaine and, for the next couple of months, I will be blogging for the New Practitioners Forum (NPF) Career Development Advisory Group (CDAG). First, let me introduce myself… I am originally from the Hawkeye state (IOWA!) and completed my PharmD and Master of Public Health (MPH)...