Hi Everyone, and Happy Holidays from Chicago! It may not feel like winter in Chicago right now with 60-degree weather, but I have still been extremely busy getting ready for the holidays. With all of my shopping and decorating finished, I decided to take some time to work on a couple...
On graduation day, few new pharmacists think their beliefs and morals could severely interfere with their ability to perform their job. They also may not grasp the gravity of the oath as they recite, “I will consider the welfare of humanity and relief of suffering my primary concerns.” ...
Dr. Frances Kelsey - one of my heroes- died this month at the age of 101. Every year I discuss her work at the FDA with my students during an introduction to Evidence Based Medicine lecture. In class we all find it amazing that only a very few have heard of Dr. Kelsey, or of thalidomide. At any...
HER2 membrane proteins play a special role in certain types of breast cancer: amplified levels of HER2 drive unrestricted cell growth. HER2-tailored antibody-based therapeutics aim to prevent cancer cell growth. However, two-thirds of HER2 positive breast cancer patients develop resistance...
Happy New Year! As we enter 2015 we can reflect on the success we had with last year’s introduction of pharmacists’ provider status legislation, H.R. 4190. This legislation, which enjoyed great support by both Republicans and Democrats, would amend the Social Security Act to recognize...
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I would first like to say that our hearts go out to the patients, families, and healthcare workers who have been stricken by the Ebola virus. These cases of Ebola infection have, of course, raised questions and concerns regarding America’s preparedness—and that of the rest of the world—to...
For those of you who have never heard of policy week, it's one of the most important events for ASHP that occurs every September. Members from the different councils and commissions gather in Bethesda, MD at ASHP Headquarters to talk about the policies proposed by the House of Delegates at the...
I would like to update you on several initiatives in pharmacy residency accreditation that are underway. We are working on improving the residency accreditation process. This includes streamlining accreditation standards, taking a new look at how accreditation site visits are structured, and...
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I work in a large company where alignment between the corporation and its local business units is an area of constant attention. Perhaps because of that, I tend to be somewhat sensitive to instances where there may be misalignment. Today I received a missive from my ASHP state affiliate...
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I am pleased to have this opportunity to update you on new and exciting developments on achieving provider status. After over a year of planning and strategizing a formal coalition has been formed and a legislative proposal is under development. The name of the coalition is the Patient Access to...