Today the Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS) and the Commission for Certification in Geriatric Pharmacy (CCGP) issued a press release announcing announcing that the Certified Geriatric Pharmacist (CGP) credential will move under the BPS portfolio of pharmacist certifications. Kudos to those...
Last August in this blog I asked if it was time for pharmacy to reassess its licensure model ( ) . Only a couple of you responded with comments. At the time I shared a report from...
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Good Evening! For the first time in awhile, I am sitting here in my Chicago apartment with the windows closed and space heater on as it seems Fall has finally arrived. The colder weather also presents an opportunity to take advantage of some ASHP re-certification materials for BCPS. This...
A recent editorial titled “ A license to be a florist? How occupational rules can be a burden on workers ” in the Washington Post caught my eye. The Editors write in support of recommendations contained in a recent White House White Paper from President Obama’s economic team that discusses...
Hi Everyone! I can't believe that July is coming to an end!! This was my "month off" between finishing residency and beginning my first real job next month, so I tried to use it to the fullest. However, I did find some time to complete quite a few ASHP re-certification courses. The Literature...
As we ponder the future of pharmacy’s framework for Board certification we would do well to study how things work for medicine. A recent survey conducted by the Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS) showed the most pharmacists believed that pharmacy would be best served by basing its framework on...
Good Evening and Happy April! Even though it remains relatively cold here in Chicago, I know spring is here by the number of consecutive days of rain I have seen. I took advantage of one of those many rainy days to complete my first ASHP re-certification module for BCPS: Pharmacotherapy...
It has been quite a while since I have contributed a blog. But I am going to make a more concerted effort to make some regular contributions. This month’s issue of the Journal includes the publication of a Special Feature titled: Credentialing and privileging of pharmacists: A...
Janet Teeters was an extraordinary person and her death is an unbelievable, devastating loss for the ASHP family. We know that she touched so many of your professional and personal lives. We invite you to share your memories of Janet in the comments below so that others may learn more about...
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I would like to update you on several initiatives in pharmacy residency accreditation that are underway. We are working on improving the residency accreditation process. This includes streamlining accreditation standards, taking a new look at how accreditation site visits are structured, and...
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